If a page on your site does not load, an error message will be displayed to the visitor. As there are different errors, there are different pages that will display, but what is typical for all of them is that they are generic and almost certainly will have practically nothing in common with the layout of your website, which can be frustrating for any visitor. That is the main reason why website hosting companies have introduced a function named Custom Error Pages. For a wide variety of different errors, website visitors will see your custom content, which can be informative or funny, depending on your personal preference, and which shall match the overall style and design of your site, so the pages will not look like they are not part of your site at all. You can use this option for a variety of errors - 400 (Bad request), 401 (Unauthorized), 403 (Forbidden) and 404 (File not Found).
Custom Error Pages in Shared Website Hosting
You will be able to set up custom made error pages for each of your domains or subdomains. The function is supported by all shared website hosting package that we provide, so when you log in to your Hepsia CP and visit the Hosted Domains section, you can easily click on the Edit button for a domain/subdomain and in the pop-up that will be displayed, you could pick the kind of error page which should show up - a default one from our system, a conventional Apache server page or a personalized one. For the last mentioned option, you have to specify the URL to the page, so when you use custom pages, you need to upload the files inside your web hosting account first. Another way is to use an .htaccess file located inside the domain or subdomain folder with a line for every error type. The actual syntax can be seen in our Knowledge Base, so you can use this function even if you do not have any previous experience.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting support tailor-made error pages, so you will be able to employ this function for any domain or subdomain hosted in your account. All it takes to do this is to check out the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel, to click the Edit button linked to the particular domain/subdomain and to input the link to the custom-made file. You'll be able to do this individually for every error type. You'll be able to switch back to a generic error page at any time if required and the change shall take effect right away. An alternative way to get the very same result is to place an .htaccess file in the domain or subdomain folder of the web site that you'd like to modify and to input a few lines of program code in it. If you need to try this method, you could copy and paste the needed code from our Knowledge Base article on custom error pages, therefore you won't need any programming skills or prior experience.